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About Us

Statement of faith

What we believe


We believe that there is the one holy and eternal God, the creator of heaven and earth (Gen 1:1, Exo 3: 14-15, Jn 4: 24, Psa 5:4)
We believe in Jesus Christ, who is the only begotten Son of God, 
conceived by the Holy spirit in a miraculous manner. He is God in flesh and he bore the cross, shed his blood, died for the atonement of our sins and he promised that he will come again

(Mt 1: 18-25, Jn 19:30, 1 Cor 15: 20, Heb 10:10)
We believe in the Holy spirit that is actively working in the world. He equips and empowers us to serve God, and leads us to have eternal life

( Jn 14: 16-17, Jn 15: 26, Jn 16: 7-11)

We believe that the Bible is the word of God which is God-breathed and God-inspired and recorded through prophets. It is the basic foundation of our salvation, forgiveness of sins and a walk in faith (2 Tim 3: 16, 2 Pet 1: 20-21, Heb 8: 10-12)
We believe that all believers are meant to be united as one body of Christ, working together for the glory of God. As the body of Christ, it is our duty to bring others to salvation as commanded by the Lord according to the great commission 

(1 Cor 12: 12-17, Jn 17: 21-23, Mt 28: 19-20)
We believe that God desires for all to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth (1 Tim 2:4)

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Mission Statement

Our mission is to help every believer to have a deep understanding of the Bible so that they can examine and grow their faith through God's word. By delving into the Bible,

all people's lives can be transformed for the better so that we can become a new creation in Jesus Christ's image.
By equipping believers with a deeper and fuller understanding of the Bible,

Christians within the Middle East are able to properly defend the true faith with all gentleness and respect. Through this the light of the gospel can shine to the glory of God.

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